Thursday, December 27, 2012


Some people have asked me what teaching in the UK is like. It's pretty much like this...

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Song of Otto #1-5 Bundle!

As demand continues to grow for the back issues, I am happy to announce this new awesome deal! The full dose of Otto for only $15 Canadian!

Who can resist?

Song of Otto #5 for Sale!

#5 Has Arrived!

After a great ordeal at the printers, (their machine kept breaking down) due to the awesomeness of the comic, I'm finally proud to say that the next issue of the Song of Otto is here!

...and it's splendid.
So Many Issues for Sale!
 A super cool spray paint title page.
 The back of the gatefold is an experience too.
 A letter from the enemy.
I will be posting the new prices on Paypal tomorrow! For now, I'm off to market with my new wares! Wish me luck!

and as always, stay tuned.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Issue 5 Art!

Here is the art for the next issue of the Song of Otto that is currently at the print shop! I can't wait to see what it will look like in 'the flesh!' The Comica Festival is only 6 days away!
Stay tuned for photos of the physical copies and details on where and how to buy them!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Song of Otto issue 5!

Just over a week away from the fall Comica Festival and the release of the next issue of The Song of Otto! Excited? I know I am!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Tinsel Wings

Today I've officially entered the Observer's Graphic Short Story Prize. It's my second time entering the competition and I think I've got a great shot this year with this story, 'Tinsel Wings.' It's about love, yeah, as usual, but it's more about managing expectations. It's about coming to the realization that just because someone is great, doesn't mean they're the one, and the responsibility those feelings and that knowledge comes with. I always try to be honest with myself, and in this story I believe I've gotten as close to my core as I've ever been.

Before you read it I want to say thank you to my friends, colleagues and editors with whom I could not have made this short story as good as it is. Thank you Kathleen Sanders and Alexis Bergamo for the edits, the re-writes, the honest opinions and the strikingly accurate analysis of my psyche.

Also a special thank you to Kathleen for the quote by Marvell. Marking parties are good for something...

I hope you like it.

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Back in Canada!

I'm back in Toronto for a few weeks and hard at work on the next issue of The Song of Otto! It feels great to be back in my studio surrounded by my books, and other inspiring material. I missed my drafting table most of all.
This issue of Otto marks the longest graphica I've made to date! We're up to almost 90 pages! We're also about half way through the story, but as you can see, there's still so much story to tell! Things are definitely heating up in Roncie Village.
rough for 'the parade.'
on second thought...let's get bigger!
Stay Tuned.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Song of Otto Issue 4 On Sale NOW!

The Comica Festival went REALLY well! Be the first to own the last copies of Issue 4 before they're gone (and I am forced to make more)! Issue 5 is under way...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

London Comica Festival (the sequel)

I will once again be exhibiting my comics at the London Comica Festival in 2 days time on Saturday April 21st. The FREE exhibit starts at 11am and runs until 6pm, so there's lots of browsing time to meet and greet various artists and zinesters! It will once again be held at the lovely Bishopgate Institute! 

The Song of Otto will also be making it's debut appearance and will also be available for online purchase come this Saturday so don't worry, the long wait is over!

Here's the Cover, the artwork is below!
hope to see you there!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Issue 4 Complete!

Without further adieu, I'd like to present issue 4 (section 5) of The Song of Otto!
This issue will be available for sale in April at the Comica Art Festival as well as ONLINE just before!

you better stay tuned!