I had the fantastic opportunity to present at the Kazoo Comic and Zine Festival this year as part of Guelph's week long Kazoo Arts Festival! It was AWESOME for many reasons:
1) I sold out of everything!!!
2) I got nominated for best debut comic for Our Children Would Not Kill Us!
3) I was also interviewed by Guelph University-I'm sure I sounded really dorky, and it was only
a 5 minute interview, but still, I'm super happy about it! I will keep you updated if it becomes
available for podcast, and just how dorky I really was.
4) Most of all, I met stellar people, the organizers, volunteers, artists, and fans.
It was hands down, the best day of the year for me and has inspired me to keep the dream alive...
Here is the poster from the event and some photos of yours truly at the Sparrow Press table!